Lucy, from our local Nursery Lane COOP, demonstrated the COOP recipe for Cappuccino cup cakes.
Using all Fairtrade ingredients provided by our local store!
Some people just couldn’t wait for these delicious cakes to cool!
Fresh out of the oven.
Some of our regulars helped with the icing.
The cakes were light and fluffy.
And easier to ice once cooled.
But enjoyed by everyone!
Just like the picture in February’s COOP magazine.
A huge thank you to our Nursery Lane COOP, for lending us one of there colleagues to demonstrate at our ‘Pass It on’ Cafe! Our Fairtrade ambassadors will be baking some of these cup cakes for our ‘Friends’ Fairtrade Cafe on Friday 9th March. Hope to see you there.
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Thankyou very much for inviting us, it was really lovely to meet you all. No doubt we will visit the pass it on cafe in the future for more great recipes. Hope the baking goes well on Friday too!