Pass It On.

We were all very impressed with this gentlemans cooking skills. A delicious pizza and awesome chocolate chip cookies in under two hours. Mark had never been to our  ‘pass it on’ cafe before.

If you would like to learn a new dish or ‘pass on’ one of your own, please speak to Mrs Walker! We meet in the ACE cafe on Tuesday mornings between 9 and 11am. Everyone is very welcome.

The First Week In May!

Our first ‘pass it on’ cafe in May saw Mr Spink tucking into a delicious Iranian rice dish.


Then 5SK continued their search for the perfect pakora. We decided on a bit of extra chilli and think we’ve perfected our recipe. Did you have the chance to buy a bag of them in the playground?


4DM have been preparing a selection of jam and lemon tarts for their celebration event on Friday 12th. Some people found pastry making challenging, however the finished tarts look delicious!

Plum Jam Tarts.

The last group in 4CC to make their treat for their celebration event joined me in the cafe to make plum jam tarts. Just like last weeks groups, they each made their own pastry and filled the tarts with plum jam made with last years fruit from our own tree at ACE. The delicious tarts were enjoyed by both children and parents!